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World-class care | Viewit360 Communication

World-class care

Every year 130,000 people are receiving healthcare at the Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital, the largest and most comprehensive hospital for children and young people. It offers world class care. And for some time also offered sound environments that both entertains and soothes.
We were asked to show 4 treatment as a virtual tour.

View Queen Silvias children and youth hospital in 360°

Tomas Gedda is very happy with the result.

– My daughter’s 14 year old friend was one of the first to experience the new environments. She had been sent around to different beds all over Gothenburg before she ended up at the Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital. Afterward, she exclaimed, “To think that one would need to go across town to get to a hospital where they understand how children want it!”

Eight rooms are completed and four are under construction. As the disturbing sounds finally got muted the work with atmospheric sounds for experience’s sake can take place. Tomas Gedda talks about one of the hospital staff whose daughter had a memorable experience:

– She had been in the zebra Sivs room. She had not just seen a zebra on the wall, but suddenly heard the sound of an entire herd of zebra coming toward her. A little scary and very cool. Afterwards, this was what she remembered, not any pain.

-Now can I show you how we want our hospital rooms to look like in the future. Something that has a high value for me in my contacts with architects and decision makers. Tomas Gedda

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